Latest drawings

Havnt posted for a while but have been drawing on the ipad. trying  to get ipad…


Been playing around with ‘Biro effect’ on the ipad. I think Biro on paper is really…

Jan 2022

Havnt updated the site for a while – so here are my latest drawings


an attempt to try and get ipad drawing to look more like a painted version –…

New Drawings

havnt updated the site for a while, so adding 5 new drawings, all done on ipad…

Simple Drawing

Followed a tutorial by Joel Create on YouTube. Simple technique and great result

Geordies Drawings

Scanned all of the drawings from my father, Geordie, as he was known to most. Some…


My contribution to the #tae21 art exhibition (global artists donate postcard art to help charity. #TAE21…

February First Drawing

First drawing of Feb completed. Drawn on the ipad using procreate. Took almost 10 hours. Original…

iPad drawing

Another drawing done on the ipad using procreate software. This was based on a photo i…